An established cigar store looks to heighten their retail and lounge experience by dividing a large, singular boutique space into two separate zones — procurement and enjoyment. We explored a simple design solution that would elevate the customer experience by creating a private lounge veiled in mystery, intrigue, and luxury.
project info
Los Angeles
3,600 sf
The owners looked to us to determine a sensible way to separate the retail component from the lounge space without using solid or full-height walls. The goal was to create a programmatic division while maintaining a visual connection between the two areas. A shop visitor would be intrigued by the lounge and able to peer into it but access would not be readily available.
The existing 3,600 sf retail space embodied a masculine yet inviting decor and vibe. Building upon the established material palette of leather, brick, and dark wood, we designed a “storefront wall” of blackened steel members with obscured glass panes that would allow views between both spaces yet only allowed passage into the lounge through a new pair of entry doors. The new wall not only acts to divide the two programs but also can be used to display more products and wares.